Naoko Sakata Trio combines three unique, individual musical voices that embrace the listener in landscapes of beauty and exploding improvisations. Contrasts between simplicity and complexity, tenderness to natural outbursts are exposed within the trio’s energy. Their repertoire has its fundamental grounding in free improvisation which is expressed within and throughout their original compositions. Naoko Sakata, Japanese born pianist, moved to Gothenburg in Sweden in 2008 to study at the Academy of Music and Drama at Gothenburg University. In 2009 it was here this trio was formed together with Anton Blomgren on double bass and Johan Birgenius on drums. In that same year, the trio won the chance to represent Sweden at the Young Nordic Jazz Comets 2009 held in Oslo. There, the jury was quoted as describing the Naoko Sakata Trio as: "A profiled group with authority, flow, maturity and beauty in playing as well as compositions". It was also at this event that Naoko won the prestigious ‘Best Soloist’ prize as a result of ‘her excellent and mature playing’. In 2010 she was also nominated for Swedish Radio "Jazzcat" (Jazzkatten) award for ‘New-Comer of the Year’. The trio has performed at various clubs and festivals such as Nefertiti Jazz Club, Gothenburg, Fasching Jazz Club, Stockholm, the 12 points Festival and Vossa Jazz Festival. (taken from They have released an album titled "Kaleidoscope" this winter, and it was received very well, specially in Japan, where the album is constantly on top Jazz album chart that includes foreign Jazz artists. Naoko Sakata Trio was nominated for Jazzcat 2011, and she has won the "New-comer of the year" this time around. Congrats to Naoko Sakata Trio, and we are proud to have you guys in our performance!!!